What is the depth of the Pacific Ocean the answer will surprise you

There are seven oceans in the world. Trade takes place all over the world through these seas. Meanwhile, do you know that the deepest ocean in the world is called the Pacific Ocean, but very few people know what is the depth of the Pacific Ocean. If not then let us know.

What is the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean?
If we talk about the largest ocean, then the name of Pacific Ocean comes on everyone’s tongue, which is known for its huge form. This ocean extends from the North Pole in the north to the South Pole in the south. Talking about its total area, it is spread over 1,65,2,00,000 square kilometers. The Pacific Ocean is also the deepest ocean among the five oceans present in the world.

What is the depth of the Pacific Ocean?
Now let’s talk about the depth of the Pacific Ocean. So let us tell you that the depth of the Pacific Ocean is 14020 feet i.e. it is 4,820 meters. If a person wants to go to this depth, he will have to descend to a depth of more than four and a half kilometers.

The world’s deepest point is located in the Pacific Ocean
The world’s deepest point is also present in the world’s deepest ocean. There is Mariana Trench in this ocean itself, which is present at a depth of 35,797 feet. If we talk about it in meters and kilometers, then it is present at a depth of 11,000 meters i.e. 11 kilometers.

Separates Asia and Australia from America
The Pacific Ocean accounts for 46 percent of the total water surface in the world. It extends from the North Pole to the South Pole. In such a situation, it also works to separate Asia and Australia from America. Apart from this, many seas are also located on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean.

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