What is the process to brings back sunita williams from space spacex rocket falcon 9

What is the process to brings back sunita williams from space spacex rocket falcon 9

Process to brings back sunita williams: The complete preparation made for the return to astronaut Sunita Williams and Buch Wilmore has been re -prepared. The rocket launch to be launched to bring both of them back has come to a technical flaw, due to which such a decision had to be taken. Under the crew-10 mission, Crew-9 Dragon of Allen Musk’s company SpaceX was designed to bring back both these astronauts.

Under this mission, four astronauts were to be sent to ISS. In return, Sunita Williams and Wilmore were to be brought from there. But it was postponed due to problems related to hydrolics on the launch pad. In the meantime, let us tell you what is the process of coming back from the space station in a astronaut rocket.

How do passengers ride in spaceship from ISS

The spaceship in the rocket is connected to an ISS airlock. After dock in the airlock, the inner environment is not able to go out. After this, after doing all the security check, the doors of the spaceship are opened to astronauts. Astronauts can go inside the spaceship by wearing their spacesuit. The dock spaceship is then separated from the ISS and is controlled through the thrusters (small jet engine) and brought to its prescribed trajectory (path).

How Spaceship comes back to Earth

To return to the earth, a long process has to be followed to return to the earth. For this, the spaceship is brought to the right tractory and gradually brought into the atmosphere of the earth. The heat shields of high quality are engaged in front of the spaceship to protect the spaceship from the heat and fire arising during the entry in the atmosphere. Which are firefighters and they keep the inner equipment and passengers cool by protecting the scorching heat.

Passengers are released immediately after coming to Earth?

When the spaceship reaches the right height and speed, then the parachute in the spaceship is opened. These parachutes help the spaceship in soft landing. Most passengers are brought back into the spaceships. After this, they come to the recovery team. The recovery team takes them to the medical center, where their health is examined and they are kept in the isolated clean room. By a few weeks later, they are made addicted to the gravitational of the earth and then released.

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