What is the weight of the entire earth? Question asked, know what scientists say

What is the weight of the entire earth?  Question asked, know what scientists say

The earth is covered with millions of kilometers long mountains, minerals and billions of animals. The weight of all these is different. It can never be measured. But have you ever wondered how much the Earth weighs? The same question was asked on social media. Generally, the weight of humans on the Moon is much less as compared to the Earth, similarly the weight of the Earth is also not the same. According to scientists, the weight of the Earth depends on the gravitational force acting on it. It could be billions and trillions of kilos.

According to the report of Live Science, scientists have been trying to determine the weight of the Earth for centuries. According to the American space agency NASA, the weight of the Earth is 5.9722×1024 kilograms or about 13.1 septillion pounds. This is equivalent to approximately 13 quadrillion times the size of the Egyptian pyramids, which weigh approximately 4.8 billion kilograms. The Earth’s mass fluctuates slightly due to space dust and gases escaping from our atmosphere, but these small changes do not affect the Earth for billions of years. Still people consider it to be 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.

impossible to measure earth on one scale
However, physicists around the world still do not agree on decimal. He believes that it is almost impossible to measure the Earth on one scale, because the force of gravity is different everywhere on the Earth. The temperature is determined by this force. According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravity, every object that has mass also has a gravitational force, which means that there will always be some force between any two objects.

difference in weight and mass
One more thing, there is a difference in weight and mass. Weight is a force that requires a gravitational field to be determined. Like you take a ball. Weigh it on Earth and Moon. You will find that the weight of this ball on the Moon will be one-sixth of the weight of the Earth, but the mass of the ball will be the same in both places. That is why to weigh the Earth, we need to know in which object’s gravitational field we want to calculate its weight. On the other hand, the mass of the Earth is a constant.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news

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