What will happen to a person if he stops sleeping, here is the answer

What will happen to a person if he stops sleeping, here is the answer

Sleep is most important for all living beings on earth. It is necessary for a human to sleep for about 6 to 7 hours a day. But have you ever thought what will happen to a person if he does not sleep for many days and keeps his eyes open. Today we will tell you what can happen to a person if he stays awake for a long time.


Medical science says many things about the human body. Similarly, in medical science, human sleep is considered most important. Every part of the human body has its own function. If any part stops functioning, then the person may die or his condition may become serious. Among these body functions, human sleep is most important. If a person does not get enough sleep due to stress or other reasons, then other functions of his body can also stop working.

Body needs to get rest

According to medical science, just as we cannot remain healthy without eating food, similarly we cannot remain alive without sleeping. Let us tell you that when a person sleeps, he fills himself with energy again. The body gets refuel in the form of sleep. Because the energy that is lost after working the whole day is gained after sleeping at night.

This will happen if you do not sleep

According to medical science, to live a healthy life, every person needs to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. According to experts, people who do not get enough sleep face problems like fatigue, lethargy, lack of interest in work the next day. Apart from this, research shows that people who do not get proper sleep or do not sleep at all, may have low sex drive. There is also a risk of weakening of the immune system, thinking problems, weight gain. Apart from this, the risk of diabetes also increases. According to experts, lack of sleep can affect your thinking ability, due to which you may have problems like stress and anxiety. High blood pressure can occur. Not only this, all these reasons increase the risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke. According to a study, scientists have also claimed that the DNA of people who sleep less than 7 hours can be damaged forever. Apart from this, there can also be a risk of getting a fatal disease like cancer. According to a research, if you do not sleep for 11 days continuously, you may die. Also read: People live the longest in these five special places of the world, this is the secret

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