When global warming is happening all over the world, then why is it so cold in many places? Research has given the answer.

When global warming is happening all over the world, then why is it so cold in many places? Research has given the answer.

No one doubts the effects of global warming. This is considered responsible for the increase in temperature all over the world. Yet recent winters have seen record-breaking, extreme cold in unexpected areas. In this paradoxical situation, scientists are investigating the Warm Arctic-Cold Continent (WACC) phenomenon and its far-reaching impacts. From this study he has found out why some areas are experiencing extreme cold.

This study has been done by researchers from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology. This highlights a significant change in the WACC pattern from the 2030s onwards, with implications for weather forecasting, climate modeling and community preparedness. Rapid Arctic warming and declining sea ice disrupt large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, particularly the jet stream. The WACC event focuses on how this happens.

The jet stream acts as a boundary separating cold Arctic air from warm air to the south. The warming Arctic is causing the temperature difference between the Arctic and mid-latitudes to decrease. Due to this the jet stream becomes weak but its form becomes wavy.

Scientists say that due to the warming of the Arctic region, the latitude area below it is separating and becoming colder. (file photo

The wavy jet stream is prone to forming large, rotating loops. These loops allow cold Arctic air to escape and move southward into areas such as North America, Europe and Asia. This is why these areas experience extreme cold, which shows how a warmer Arctic has far-reaching effects on weather patterns in that area.

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Professor Jin-Ho Yoon, lead researcher of the study, said that the WACC pattern has significantly influenced winter weather, but what we are currently seeing is only the beginning of a larger change. After 2030, these incidents will decline rapidly. Still, this decline does not mean a decrease in extreme weather events in the future. Professor Yoon warned that instead, winters will become warmer as global warming accelerates. Cold snaps will occur less frequently, but when they do occur they can have more serious consequences.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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