When MECCA Grand Mosque Masjid Al Haram Siege in 1979 France Army Help Saudi Arabia

When MECCA Grand Mosque Masjid Al Haram Siege in 1979 France Army Help Saudi Arabia

Siege of mecca grand mosque: In Saudi Arabia, on 20 November 1979, remember it as a bad dream, because this was the day when the holy mosque of Muslims was attacked in Mecca and bloodshed for about two weeks. This day was the first date of Moharram and there were locals in this mosque, as well as Indonesia, Morocco, Yemen and Pakistani pilgrims. This happened when the rebels led by Juhaman al-Utabibi attacked the Mecca mosque with weapons. In fact, the attackers said that Saudiโ€™s royal family and society were going away from Islam and they were doing everything to bring back true Islam.

Followers entered with weapons inside the coffin

On the morning of 20 November, when about 50 thousand people gathered in the mosque for fajr prayers, at the same time Al-Utabi and about 200 followers of it entered the mosque with weapons inside the coffin. As soon as the Namaz was over, they started trying to control the people, waving the weapons and closed the doors of the mosques. Not only this, some armed attackers climbed the mosqueโ€™s tower and completely controlled there. According to the BBC, Yaroslov Trophyimov describes the incident in detail in his book The Sees of Mecca: The Foregotten Integration in Islams Holiest Shrine.

The sound of bullets heard as soon as Kalma started

It is written in it that as soon as the Imam started reading Kalma after Namaz, the sound of bullets started to be heard. People saw a man moving towards the Kaaba with a rifle in his hand and then the sound of firing came from the other side. The police force present in the mosque was unarmed. He had only poles in the name of weapon. As soon as two defense personnel were shot at the gate, all the other policemen fled from there. The uproar had started that Joheman, the leader of the attackers, now came to the fore.

People imprisoned inside by locking the mosque gate

Yaroslov tropimov further writes that after a while Joheman pushed the mosqueโ€™s Imam and captured Mike. Utebi said in his speech that Mahdi came. Actually, in Islam, Mahdi is considered the protector of the earth, who destroys evil before doom. The attackers started raising slogans of Allah Hu Akbar. When the people present there tried to escape, they found the locks of all the 51 gates of the mosque closed. When everyone started shouting slogans of Allah Hu Akbar, the attackers also started repeating the same. When the voice slowed down, Utabi gave instructions to his colleagues and all spread to the mosque as soon as he heard his voice and fit the machine gun on the seven towers.

Which countryโ€™s army had helped

By the time all this was going on, only the unarmed policemen of the Saudi police reached there and they were killed. By the time this news spread all over the world, people were scared. At the time of the incident, the then Crown Prince Fahd bin Abdul Aziz went to Tunisia with his people, while Saudi National Guards chief Prince Abdul Aziz was in Morocco. When the Saudi government needed external help in this fight, he got help from France. At that time, the Saudi government had sought help from the then French President Valerie Giscard Destaiing. Then France had quietly sent a team of commandos to Mecca and this operation was kept secret, so that there would be no unnecessary response to western intervention.

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