When the father scolded him for the mobile, the minor son ran away from home, did not return for three days, then…

When the father scolded him for the mobile, the minor son ran away from home, did not return for three days, then…

Ambala. With the changing times, the phone fulfills our every need. Since every work can be done easily on the phone, people from children to all sections of society have become addicted to the phone. Many times, one has to suffer the consequences of this habit. Parents give phones to their children, but forget to teach them how to use it properly. One such case has come to light from Ambala, where a 15-year-old boy, a resident of Kamal Vihar in the city, ran away from home for a phone.

Learn about the case in detail

Actually, the child’s father scolded his son for using the phone too much. After which the son got angry with his father and ran away from home. He did not return for 3 days. After which the family got very worried. The 15-year-old minor is a student of class 10th. He used to spend most of his time on the phone. Annoyed by his father’s scolding, the minor ran away from his house, after which the family tried very hard to find him, but could not find any trace of him.

Then the police found him and handed him over to his family

The family searched for him at all the relatives’ places, bus stand, railway station but could not find any trace of him. After which the police was informed and within a few hours the police found the 15-year-old minor and handed over the boy to his family. Although the minor learned a lesson after running away from home, but today’s young generation forgets everything because of the phone. They are not able to take care of their studies and other things. Parents should teach their children the right way to use the phone. Not everything is a good habit, there is a difference between using a thing excessively and using one thing uselessly.

Tags: Amazing news, Ambala News, Haryana news, Lifestyle, Local18

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