When the hippo chasing lions it lost its life while running see the race of lions and hippo video goes viral

When the hippo chasing lions it lost its life while running see the race of lions and hippo video goes viral

When the hippo chasing Lions: The one who wins in the jungle is the one who is intelligent as well as being strong. You must have seen many such videos in which the lion harasses other animals by running. Attacks them by ambushing. But have you ever seen a lion running away after saving its life? One such video is going viral on social media in which a hippo attacks the lions crossing the drain. He dies while running.

This video has been shared on Twitter from @WowTerrifying account. Which people are liking a lot. In this you can see how three lions are crossing a drain. Then a hippo comes there. He thinks that the lion will attack him. Even before this he pounces on the lions. Seeing the hippo coming towards them, the lions start running. Starts running very fast. Despite this, the hippo attacks. Two lions somehow escape after saving their lives, but one poor lion falls into the clutches of a hippo. His jaw clenches. It seems that now the game is over. But the lion is the king of the jungle. Jerking even such a heavy hippo comes out of the drain.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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