Where is the temple of teeth located, know whose teeth are worshipped.

Where is the temple of teeth located, know whose teeth are worshipped.

There are many temples in the world whose stories and mysteries leave people in awe. Also, there are some temples which are very unique. One of them is the Temple of Teeth. Yes, you read it right. People have been worshiping in this temple for years. The uniqueness of this temple both fascinates and attracts people towards itself. So today we will know what is special in this temple of teeth and whose tooth is it.

Whose teeth are kept in the temple?
The Temple of Teeth is actually not located in India but in Sri Lanka. If you are wondering whose teeth are kept in this temple, then let us tell you that this temple contains the teeth of Lord Gautam Buddha. Therefore this temple was named the Temple of Teeth. There is a belief about the tooth kept in this temple that even today it is growing little by little. 

History of the Temple
It is believed that when Gautam Buddha died, his last rites were performed in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, but before his last rites, one of his followers took out his tooth. Took it out of his mouth. After which that follower handed over the tooth of Gautam Buddha to King Brahmadutta. For many years, King Brahmadutta worshiped those teeth of Gautam Buddha and got them installed in his palace.

It is said that many kings had fought wars to get the teeth of Gautam Buddha, which were considered miraculous, but to keep these teeth safe, a follower of Gautam Buddha sent them to Sri Lanka. After that the king of Sri Lanka built a huge temple for these teeth and installed these teeth in that temple. From that time till today, the teeth of Gautam Buddha are worshiped in this temple. These teeth of Gautam Buddha are kept in a small box which no one is allowed to touch. It is said that seeing these teeth brings an end to people’s suffering.

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