Which country has the most number of people going on Hajj and who prepares the Hajj quota?

extreme heat and 1,301 Hajj pilgrimage is in discussions these days due to the death of Hajj pilgrims . Most of the Hajj pilgrims who died were from Egypt 660 people, Indonesia 199 and India’s 98, from Jordan 75, from Tunisia 49 From Pakistan 35 and from Iran 11 were. Saudi Arabia has released the data and said that most of the dead were people who had come to Mecca illegally.had reached Medina. The highest number of people, 630 from Egypt, had come for Hajj without visa. According to a CNN report, many dead bodies were lying on the roads and the people going for Hajj were passing through them. The reason for the death of most people is said to be extreme heat . This time around 18 lakh people had reached Saudi Arabia. The question arises that which country’s people visit Saudi Arabia the most. ?

People of this country go for Haj the most

Let us tell you that every year Muslims from all over the world go to Mecca in Saudi Arabia for Hajj. Hajj takes five days and it ends with Eid ul Azha i.e. Bakrid. Saudi Arabia prepares Hajj quota for each country. In which Indonesia has the highest quota. After this Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and then comes Nigeria. Also Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Hajj pilgrims reach Saudi Arabia from many countries including Ethiopia. The first pilgrims to reach Jeddah for Haj pilgrimage. Then from there they go to Mecca city by bus.

What is Hajj?

In Islam Hajj is one of the 5 obligations. . It is believed that every Muslim must perform this duty at least once in his life. According to a BBC report, year In 628 the Prophet Muhammad in his Started a journey with 1400 disciples. Which became the first pilgrimage of Islam and in this journey the religious tradition of Prophet Ibrahim was reestablished. This is called Hajj.                                                                          

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