Which is the most remote inhabited island in the world how many people live there

Which is the most remote inhabited island in the world how many people live there

There are many places around the world where people want to visit. One of these is Tristan da Cunha Island. According to information, this island is the farthest inhabited island in the world. Today we will tell you where Tristan da Cunha Island is located and how many people live here.

The farthest island

There is no dearth of people who want to travel around the world. However, there are definitely different categories of people who want to travel. Some people search for the river bank, while some like to go to the beach and historical monuments. Some people like to travel with friends, while some people travel solo. But today we are going to tell you about an island called Tristan da Cunha, after seeing the photo of which every person thinks of going there. But not everyone can reach here because it is very far away.

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Tristan da Cunha Island

Tristan da Cunha Island is considered to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. It is isolated in the South Atlantic Ocean, about 2,787 km away from Cape Town, South Africa. Let us tell you that this group of volcanic islands is surrounded by sea on all sides.

These islands are also isolated

The inhabited islands in the archipelago include Tristan da Cunha, Gough Island, Inaccessible Island and Nightingale Island. As of 2018, the islands had 250 permanent residents with British Overseas Territories citizenship. As a British Overseas Territory, Tristan da Cunha also has its own constitution. However, there is no airstrip on the main island, and access is by water.

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There is no airport on Tristan da Cunha. In such a situation, both the locals and tourists living there come and go only by boat. Not only this, it is not so easy to reach here. To reach here, one has to travel for six days from South Africa. Tristan da Cunha itself is a volcanic island, which has a prominent volcanic peak. It is called Queen Mary Peak. It is 6765 feet above sea level.

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Who discovered this island?

Now you must be wondering who discovered such a faraway island. Let us tell you that Portuguese explorer Tristao da Cunha discovered this archipelago in 1506. According to the information, a group of British soldiers came here in 1816 with some civilians. Some children and women were also included in this. British soldiers lived on Tristan da Cunha to prevent the escape of Napoleon Bonaparte from St. Helena.

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