Which toothbrush is better… the plastic one or the bamboo one? Know what is the difference between the two

Which toothbrush is better… the plastic one or the bamboo one?  Know what is the difference between the two

Bamboo Toothbrush vs Plastic Toothbrush: You must have seen that nowadays bamboo toothbrushes have started coming in the market. In view of the increasing problems of the environment, many people have also started using bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic toothbrushes. The use of things made of bamboo in homes is increasing rapidly. Most of these include those things which are used in daily food and drink etc.

What is the environmental benefit of bamboo toothbrush
Plastic is extremely dangerous for the environment. This is causing a lot of damage to the environment. Toothbrush made of bamboo is considered as Eco Friendly Toothbrush. Its handle is made of bamboo and its bristles are made of nylon or other natural fibers. Bamboo toothbrush is also just like plastic toothbrush, only bamboo is used to make it.

plastic does not get destroyed quickly
According to research, more than 448 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year in the world, due to which the environment is suffering a lot. Actually, plastic does not get destroyed even for thousands of years, in such a situation it can be reused only by recycling.

Difference between bamboo and plastic toothbrush
Bamboo toothbrushes and plastic toothbrushes consist only of the materials used to make them. People think that bamboo toothbrush is new, but in reality it is an old form of toothbrush. In today’s toothbrushes, nylon or other natural fibers are used to make bristles, but earlier these bristles were made from pig’s hair. Even charcoal was added to the bristles of some toothbrushes, so that the teeth could be cleaned properly. You must consult your dentist for better results.

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