While looking at social media posts, the woman saw her husband, when she investigated, she came to know that the husband had married for the second time.

While looking at social media posts, the woman saw her husband, when she investigated, she came to know that the husband had married for the second time.

Social media can also be a place for victims to troll, insecurities to flourish, and hours of productivity to be wasted. But sometimes such a truth comes to light which proves to be very painful. A woman doubts whether she even knew the man she married 10 years ago and has two children with after seeing a shocking post on Facebook.

While reading the comments of a post on Facebook, the woman was surprised when she saw the profile of another woman in which her own husband was also there. On scanning the profile, she came to know that her husband had married another woman and had a child with her.

This woman wrote in a post on Reddit that her husband created another profile but his name and surname are different. The woman, who had been married to her husband for 10 years, sought advice from others in the group and eventually wrote to the ‘second wife’, thinking she would have no information about the legal status of her life.

This time it was the woman’s turn to be shocked when the wife revealed that she knew that her husband was already married, and said that they had been ‘married’ for almost two years and their child was 14 months old.

After this, when the woman started divorce proceedings, it did not make any difference to her husband. The woman started the divorce process. Whereas the husband refused to pay alimony claiming that he had to support another child, and if he had to pay alimony to the children, he would demand minimum payments even if he had to leave his job. Read.

People also gave advice on this. One said that alimony and child support should be left to the lawyers and the judge. Another said that marrying two women is against the law. The court will use both your income for alimony and child support.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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