who is a Devdasi Which is also mentioned in the Puranas

who is a Devdasi Which is also mentioned in the Puranas

Devadasi, On hearing this word, the thought that comes to mind is that it means the maid of the gods., This practice is thousands of years old and has evolved over time.,changing over time, But no one could guess when this practice turned into evil., In such a situation, the question arises that what was the work of these Devadasis and how did this practice come to be considered evil., Let us know the answers to these questions in detail today.,

Who are Devadasis?,

Devadasi was a practice in which people donated their young girls to temples as per their wish or belief., their purpose goddess,The gods had to be appeased and the girls were donated to serve the temple., In such a situation mother,Father used to marry his daughter to a temple or a deity., When a woman is married to a deity, she is called a Devdasi., Dalit or tribal women were mostly victims of this tradition., for which there was no fixed age, Girls as young as five or ten years old were also made Devadasis.,

Mention is also found in Puranas

According to historians, the Devdasi system started in the sixth century., After independence, the Indian government had banned this practice., However, the practice of Devdasi is still seen in many temples in South India., It is called Padma Purana, Matsya Purana, Devdasi system has also been mentioned in Vishnu Purana and Kautilya Arthashastra.,

Although in ancient times, Devadasis had great importance and were looked upon with respect., At that time there were two types of Devadasis, One was the one who served in temples and the other was the one who used to dance.,

When did it become a curse?,

Devdasi slowly,slowly turned into evil, Firstly, virgin girls were married to gods., In such a situation, a priest was also appointed for the Devadasis in every temple., It is said that those priests used to have relations with Devadasis in the name of uniting them with the gods., Slow,Gradually the rich people also started exploiting the Devadasis and then when they became pregnant, they were abandoned., Due to which no one was even aware of when this practice turned into an evil.,

Also read: Devil’s Breath… the medicine which people give away their money, jewellery, everything as soon as they smell it.

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