WHO report HIV viral hepatitis epidemics and sexually transmitted infections STIs global public health challenges causing 25 lakh deaths each year

WHO report HIV viral hepatitis epidemics and sexually transmitted infections STIs global public health challenges causing 25 lakh deaths each year

The ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO) has made a very shocking revelation in its report about HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). In this report, it was said that more than 25 lakh people are dying every year due to these diseases.

The target is to limit the death toll by the year 2025

Looking at these figures, it is clear that these diseases are posing public health challenges on a global level. However, a target has been set to limit the deaths caused by these diseases to 17 lakhs by 2025.

AIDS or HIV can be controlled with anti-retroviral drugs

AIDS or HIV is a disease in the whole world in which a person can live his future life comfortably with the help of anti-retroviral medicines. But according to the report released by WHO, 285 people are dying every hour due to these diseases. This disease remains a big challenge for health.

More than 10 lakh people are falling prey to this infection every day

WHO has clearly stated in its report that this is not the problem of any one country but more than 10 lakh people across the world are becoming victims of sexually transmitted diseases every day. These diseases are so dangerous that you cannot even imagine them.

The disease is spreading rapidly in America and Africa

According to new data, STI diseases are increasing rapidly in many countries of the world. WHO member countries had set a target to reduce the increasing number of syphilis infections among young people by 10 times by 2030. Currently, its number is around 70 lakhs. Still, the cases of syphilis among people aged 15-49 have increased from 10 lakhs to 80 lakhs in 2022. The number of this disease has increased the most in America and African countries.

WHO stated its goal for the year 2030

While there has been a decrease in HIV and viral hepatitis infections, the increasing cases of syphilis are causing concern. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, we are engaged in providing health related facilities along with diagnosis and treatment to the people. By 2030, these diseases spreading on a global level are a threat to health. We have the necessary things to eliminate these diseases. But our member countries should also help us in this, only then we will be able to fight these diseases.

There are four types of STIs

Syphilis (Treponema pallidum), gonorrhoea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) and trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis). 10 lakh people get infected with these diseases every day. Even during the Corona epidemic, an increase of 11 lakh has been seen in adult and maternal syphilis. At the same time, in the year 2022, 2 lakh, 30 thousand people died due to syphilis disease.

The new data also shows an increase in multi-resistant gonorrhea. Campaigns have also been launched in 87 countries to prevent gonorrhea by the year 2023. 9 countries have reached the final stage of gonorrhea treatment. WHO is currently monitoring these diseases.

Approximately 1.1 million new hepatitis B cases and approximately 1 million new hepatitis C cases were reported in 2022. Despite effective prevention, diagnosis, and treatment tools, the number of deaths from viral hepatitis increased from 1 million in 2019 to 1.2 million in 2022.

HIV infections have declined from 1.5 million in 2020 to 1.3 million in 2022. The disease is spreading mostly among people such as men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender persons, and people living in prisons and other confined spaces – which still experience significantly higher HIV prevalence rates than the general population. 55 percent of new HIV infections occur among these populations and their partners. HIV-related deaths are still high. There were 630,000 HIV-related deaths in 2022.

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