Why are birds less visible these days? The graph of their numbers is decreasing rapidly.

Now when the sparrow comes, we will return to our childhood… Do sparrows still come to the courtyard or terrace of your house? Do you sometimes remember those childhood days when you see sparrows in a distant town, when when you used to sit in the courtyard of your house with your grandmothers, dozens of sparrows would come and sit next to you like members of the family, when you wake up in the morning? The chirping of sparrows also seemed like music. Like all the members of the house, he also had a house in some corner of the house. 

Today, World Sparrow Day is celebrated on 20 March. But even on this special day of sparrow, if you look around you, you will hardly see even a single sparrow bird. Because apart from the cities, the visibility of all the birds including sparrows, which used to live nearby like a friend in childhood, has reduced in the courtyards, rooftops and trees of village houses. Especially the children of the new generation living in cities may not even know the names of these birds. Even if these children have seen the sparrow, they must have seen it in books, some pictures circulating on the internet or in videos on YouTube. Today on Sparrow Day we will try to explain why sparrow birds are becoming extinct not only in cities but also in villages. 

Mobile phones

It is true that today it has become difficult to imagine life without internet and mobile phones. Because today we have become completely dependent on mobile phones. But you will be surprised to know that this mobile phone tower of yours has kept the sparrows away from your courtyard and rooftops forever. Actually, radiation from mobile towers had earlier caused the extinction of birds in big cities. But now gradually the situation is such that even in small cities, sparrows and other bird species are on the verge of extinction. 

Brajnath Dwivedi, working in the forest department of Prayagraj, while talking to ABP News. Told that the main reason for the extinction of many birds like sparrows are mobile phone towers. He said that earlier these towers were mainly installed in big cities, due to which birds were seen in village houses and fields. But since towers have been installed in every village and locality, these birds are becoming extinct. Because due to mobile towers and the radiation waves emanating from them, the voiceless creatures have to face problems. That’s why these birds now live far away inside the forests. He said that it is believed that due to the radiation emanating from the tower, the reproduction of these birds is also affected. For this reason, these birds prefer to stay away from the effects of these radiations. 

Brajnath Dwivedi further said that we have tried to invite sparrows back to cities and forests by making cardboard houses, but they Could not succeed. The main reason for this could be radiation from mobile towers. Because this causes them a lot of trouble and is fatal for them.  
Trying to return to childhood

The arrival of a sparrow in the house is not just the arrival of a bird. With their arrival, all the memories of grandparents and childhood also return. Therefore, you can still try to attract all the small birds including sparrows back to your homes. For this, you will have to make a small nest in your house, the nest should be at a place where other animals including cats cannot reach. Apart from this, you should regularly keep food and water for birds in your courtyard, windows, verandah and outer walls of the house. Especially in summer, water should be kept in the rooftops and verandahs of houses. Apart from this, try to plant trees around the houses. Because these birds especially like to live and build nests on dense trees. 


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