Why are NASA scientists saying that ice age can come due to volcanic eruption?

Why are NASA scientists saying that ice age can come due to volcanic eruption?

Till now we understood that heat increases in the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions. But according to new research by NASA, such an explosion increases the risk of an ice age. Let us tell you in today’s article why scientists around the world, including NASA, are saying that the risk of ice age will increase on Earth due to large volcanic eruptions in the future.

Greenhouse Causes of gas

If a volcano explodes, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide come out from inside it. These gases are known to increase the temperature of the earth. However, scientists believe that if a very large volcano explodes, it reduces the temperature of the earth. Now the question arises that if a volcano explodes and burning lava and greenhouse gases come out from underground, then the temperature of the earth will increase. Then what else will happen at the time of such an explosion that the Earth will start cooling.

What is NASA saying?

Global Climate of America’s space agency NASA According to the Change report, when a big volcano explodes, lava and greenhouse gases come out from underground. But along with this, a lot of ash particles also collect in the sky. These particles and some gases create obstacles for sunlight to reach the Earth. Due to this, the temperature of the earth starts falling. If the volcano becomes very big or if many volcanoes erupt simultaneously, then the temperature of the entire earth will start falling rapidly and the earth will start moving towards the ice age.

This is called global cooling >

In the language of science it is called global cooling. If it becomes excessive then it becomes a threat to the earth. A lot of study has been done on this in new research by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and New York’s Columbia University. However, even after these researches, scientists have not been able to gather accurate information on the changes occurring after major volcanic eruptions. But it is certain that if the explosions become bigger then global cooling will increase.

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