summer As soon as the summer season starts, we start remembering the taste of superfruit watermelon. However, now all the fruits are available in the market in every season, but fresh fruits are different according to the season. Apart from taste, watermelon is also recognized as a treasure of health. Watermelon contains abundant amount of water, by eating which our body does not get dehydrated. At the same time, iron is also found in abundance in it. Nowadays, apart from red, yellow watermelon is also available in the market. Do you know where this yellow watermelon came from and why is its color yellow?
Till now it has been believed that watermelon cultivation first started in Africa. It is said that red watermelon seeds were found in Africa about 5000 years ago. Then gradually its production was started all over the world. At the same time, about 1000 years after red watermelon, seeds of yellow watermelon are also said to have been found in Africa itself. Yellow watermelon is mostly grown in desert areas. Due to good yield even in areas with less water, it is also called Desert King. First of all, let us know where watermelon was first cultivated?
Where did the cultivation of red watermelon start?
A research has broken the decades-old belief about the real origin of watermelon. According to new research, watermelons were first grown in Egypt, not in South Africa. The study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences rewrites the story of the origin of the domesticated watermelon. Scientists studied the DNA of hundreds of species of watermelons and found that these fruits came from a wild crop in northeastern Africa. Before this study, it was said that watermelons came in the same category as South African citron melon. The study’s lead authors, from Washington University in St. Louis, found that Sudan’s white watermelon is the closest watermelon to the cultivated variety. This white watermelon is called Kordofan watermelon.
A research has broken the decades-old belief about the real origin of watermelon.
Hints of the beginning of watermelon found in painting
The results of the genetic research match an Egyptian painting, which shows that watermelons were eaten in the Nile desert 4 thousand years ago. Suzanne S., professor of biology at the University of Washington Arts and Sciences. According to Renner, based on DNA, his team found that the existing red and sweet watermelons are closest to the wild watermelons of West and North-East Africa. Rainer is an evolutionary biologist who joins Washington University after working as a professor at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany for more than a decade and a half. This genetic research was completed in collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture in New York, The Royal Botanic Garden at Quay in London, and the University of Sheffield.
Improved varieties provide higher yields
With time, different species of watermelon were developed all over the world. There are many improved varieties of watermelon, from which the fruit can be prepared in less time. Not only this, with the help of these improved varieties, production is also good. Improved varieties of watermelon include Sugar Baby, Arka Jyoti, Pusa Bedana. Botanically, yellow watermelons are identified as Citrullus lanatus. It is part of the Cucurbitaceae family (via Specialty Produce). For this reason, yellow watermelon is considered to be in the family of gourd, pumpkin and squash.
How are different colors formed inside a watermelon?
As soon as the name of watermelon is mentioned, one sees only the speckled green skin on the outside and the red colored fruit on the inside. But, now yellow watermelon is also available in the market. It is sweeter to eat than red watermelon. Actually, due to a chemical in watermelons, their color is red or yellow. If understood from the scientific point of view, a chemical called lycopene is the reason for the difference between red and yellow watermelons. Lycopene chemical is found in red watermelon. At the same time, this chemical is not present in yellow watermelon. Yellow watermelon tastes like honey. Vitamin A and C are found in sufficient quantity in it.

More antioxidants and beta carotene are found in yellow watermelon than red.
Which watermelon is better to eat?
It is considered better to eat watermelon of other color among red and yellow watermelons. Actually, more antioxidants and beta carotene are found in yellow watermelon than red watermelon. Beta carotene reduces the risk of cancer and eye related diseases. At the same time, like red watermelon, the vitamins present in it are beneficial for the immune system and skin. Both watermelons contain abundant amount of water, which helps in keeping our body hydrated. It is considered very important to cool the watermelon before eating it. Yellow watermelon is also low in calories. People who want to lose weight should eat yellow watermelon.
Tags: food, fruits, Healthy Foods, Summer
FIRST PUBLISHED: April 27, 2024, 18:05 IST