Why can’t we see the other side of the moon? Spacecraft sent pictures from there, people were shocked to see them

You must have heard the mention of moon-like face many times. But do you know that you can see only a part of the moon. Its other part is never visible from the earth. After all, what is the reason behind this? Why do we never see the other side of the Moon? A NASA spacecraft has reached the far side of the Moon and taken pictures of it. Which is quite charming.

From Earth it seems to us that the Moon does not rotate at all, whereas this is not the case at all. It rotates on its axis just like the Earth. But the Moon is tidally locked to our planet. This means that the Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to revolve around the Earth. About a month. That’s why we don’t see him roaming around. This phenomenon occurs due to gravity between two celestial bodies. American space agency NASA scientist Robert Tyler told Live Science that the attraction between the Moon and the Earth distorts both the bodies. This pulls them slightly towards each other, making them football shaped. If any liquid or solid substance reacts immediately, this will be the shape it will take. But the liquids and solids that make up both the Moon and Earth cannot react immediately. When two bodies pull on each other, they create friction that slows down the rotation of both objects.

the moon pulling the sea
Robert Tyler said, think of it like the moon is pulling the ocean, so a part of the ocean is trying to expand in such a way that a bulge will form, which will be right below the moon. But the tides are pulling the sea down. Trying to keep him on earth. For this reason it becomes stable. This is exactly the same as the rocks on the Moon slipping due to the Earth’s pull. Rocks are not flexible. That’s why when they turn, they ask for energy. This energy comes from the rotation of the body. Due to this, the rotation of the Moon slows down relative to the Earth.

The Moon is also slowing down the Earth’s rotation speed
Now even the Moon is slowing down the speed of Earth’s rotation. If the Moon slows down the Earth’s rotation significantly, we will be able to see only a part of the Earth from the Moon. But this is not going to happen for 50 billion years. Till then we will never be able to see the far side of the Moon directly from Earth. However, the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 took a picture of the other side of the Moon in 1959. Since then many vehicles have taken its pictures. Looking at the pictures it is clear that the far side of the Moon is covered with craters. There are smaller and darker spots, called maria, compared to the nearby area.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Khabre hatke, Weird news

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