Why Do Ants Die When They Cross The Line Of Lakshman Rekha

Why Do Ants Die When They Cross The Line Of Lakshman Rekha

Ants: When the temperature is low, that is, when winter comes, some creatures go underground. They stop showing up. But as soon as summer comes, they come out from behind. Ants are one of them. As soon as summer starts, they come out of their homes and start wandering in search of food. Sometimes they do a lot of damage to us while searching for food for themselves. On the other hand, if it is cut, it starts burning. In such a situation, the person gets irritated or for the safety of the goods, Laxmanrekha pulls the line in their way with chalk.

When ants cross this line of Lakshmanrekha. He dies shortly after that. Now the question comes that what happens in this line that they die as soon as they cross it? let’s know

How do ants find their way?

First of all, let us know how ants find their way from home to food. You will always see ants walking in a line. If the first ant changes or deviates its path even slightly, then all the ants behind it also start walking on the same path. Actually, when the ants go out in search of food, the queen ant walks in front of them. It releases a special chemical called pheromones from its body. All other ants follow the smell of this chemical. Due to which a line is formed.

Neurotoxin insecticides spread on the floor

In this way a path is created till the food and the colony. Following which all the ants take the food to their colony. Other contact insecticides such as cypermethrin and deltamethrin are spread on the floor in the line of Lakshmanrekha chalk drawn in the path of food and colony.

What happens when you cross the line?

As soon as the ant hesitantly crosses this line, this cypermethrin neurotoxin blocks the signals traveling in its nervous system. In this way, gradually all the parts of his body stop working, due to which he dies in agony. Laxman Rekha has the same effect on cockroaches as well.

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