Why do football players spit a lot? You will be surprised to know the reason

Why do football players spit a lot? You will be surprised to know the reason

What is Crab Rinsing: Football players are often seen spitting on the field, Which looks very dirty but still they are often seen doing this. In such a situation, do you know that there is a reason behind this and that reason is related to the health of the players. So let’s find out.

What is the science behind spitting on the field?

Spitting on the field while playing football can look very dirty to you , But there is science behind it and it is also connected to health . Not only football players have this kind of habit, In fact, cricketers and hockey players playing on the field are also seen doing this.

A report by TOI According to, The amount of protein produced in saliva increases significantly during exercise. During this time, the maximum protein is produced in saliva."s1"> MUC5B protein increases, which makes the saliva thick and difficult to swallow. Dr. . Udit Kapoor told an Indian media publication that saliva becomes thick when doing hard physical work like playing football. Players have difficulty swallowing it. , In such a situation players like to spit it.

Why do we spit more while playing??

It is believed that the player is breathing through the mouth while playing is, During this time the body produces saliva to protect the mouth from drying out. Former Nigerian goalkeeper Joseph Dosu says that a footballer needs to keep his throat clear to breathe freely, for whom he spits. This is a trick, which sends a message to the brain that carbohydrates have been taken.

2004in Asker The study was conducted in collaboration with the University of Birmingham , in which it was seen that By doing carb rinsing the cyclist 40 km cycling 1 finished it a minute early. Also In 2017 The European Journal of Sport Science found carb raising can boost performance .                                                                                        

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