Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More This Is The Reason Behind This

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More This Is The Reason Behind This

Mosquitoes: With the onset of summer, mosquitoes also start coming. Some people complain that mosquitoes bother them more, they complain that mosquitoes buzz more around them, while the people around them have less complaints. Is it true that mosquitoes bother some people more? Or is it just their illusion?

What did the researchers say?

Scientists had conducted a study about this, the results of which found that some people really act like magnets for mosquitoes. Actually, a special kind of smell comes out from the body of those people which attracts mosquitoes. This study disproved many old beliefs, in which people’s blood type, amount of sugar in the blood, eating garlic or bananas or even being a woman were considered to be the reason. This study was also published in the journal Cell.

wonder of carboxylic acid

According to the study, mosquitoes are more attracted to people who have high levels of carboxylic acid in their skin. According to researchers, the fatty acids of human skin have a very old and deep connection with attracting mosquitoes. After a three-year study, the researchers made the participants wear nylon stockings on their arms six times a day for several days. When tested with this nylon, the researchers found that participants had higher levels of carboxylic acid, which attracted mosquitoes. From this it came to know that people who have high levels of fatty acids, mosquitoes are more attracted towards them.

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