Why do most medicines taste bitter? Do you know the real reason?

Why do most medicines taste bitter? Do you know the real reason?

Taste of medicine When we are sick, doctors give us medicines to eat. Most pills or syrups spoil the taste after going into the mouth. The mouth remains bitter for many hours. This is the reason why many people avoid taking medicines. However, not all medicines taste bitter, some are sweet too. But have you ever wondered why most medicines are bitter, why are they deliberately made this way. Know here…

Why are most medicines bitter?

According to medicine experts, many types of chemicals and compounds are used to make medicines, due to which they taste bitter. Alkaloids such as codeine, caffeine, terpenes and other bitter chemicals are added to many medicines, which make the taste of medicines bitter. These also affect the body parts. Many medicines are also made from plant compounds, which make them bitter.

How do some medicines become sweeter

Medicine experts say that some medicines taste better, sugar is added to them to make them sweeter. Due to the sugar coating, these tablets taste sweet. However, this is not the case with all medicines. Due to which their taste remains bitter. There are many bitter compounds present inside the medicine, whose taste is affected by metabolism.

What to do if you cannot take bitter medicines

According to medicine experts, many medicines are very bitter. They are made into capsules. Their upper layer is of soft gelatin, which dissolves in the stomach. Due to this, people consume even the bitterest medicines. If you have trouble taking bitter medicines, then you can take them with honey. Earlier people used to do this, it does not affect the effect of the medicine.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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