Why do most people feel like going to the toilet as soon as they step into a swimming pool? think about it

Why do most people feel like going to the toilet as soon as they step into a swimming pool?  think about it

Swimming is a great exercise. People do swimming to stay fit. But have you ever noticed that when you stay in the swimming pool for too long, your bladder becomes more active. To put it plainly, do you also feel that when you stay in the swimming pool for too long, you feel the urge to urinate. Even many times people urinate in the swimming pool because of this. So let’s know what is the main reason behind it and what does science say about it? Contains about 8 gallons of urine. That is, people who bathe in the swimming pool urinate in it. Why does this happen After spending some time in the swimming pool, there is so much pressure on your bladder that you cannot control your urine and pass it in the pool itself. Maybe yes. According to a news published in Mental Floss, all this happens because of Immersion Diuresis.

Actually, when this condition occurs in your body under water, your body cannot control urine. And you pee in the swimming pool itself. Due to being in water for a long time, as soon as this condition arises in your body, the blood starts running rapidly to your internal organs and it also increases your blood pressure, due to which the activity in your kidney increases. And your body tries to expel the liquid inside rapidly. This is the reason why people tend to urinate faster inside swimming pools.

What happens when you dive deep into the water?

When you dive deep into the water So the condition of Immersion Diuresis further increases. As soon as the water pressure increases, your blood pressure also starts increasing and your kidney starts filtering the water present inside the body rapidly. In such a situation you feel urine fast. The same happens with cold water. Whenever you go to bathe in very cold water, you feel strong urine. Even Olympic swimmers have admitted to peeing in the pool.

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