Why do periods come late after delivery, know the reason behind this?

Why do periods come late after delivery, know the reason behind this?

It is common for women to see changes in their periods after the birth of a child. Some women have heavy or more painful periods. So some people don’t even know. There may be some changes in periods for a few months after giving birth to a child, but after some time it gets cured on its own. But it is also true that women who breastfeed do not get periods for many months.

For your information, let us tell you that it is normal for periods to return after 4-6 weeks after the birth of the child. If you bottle feed your child then your periods will come soon but if a woman is breast feeding then her periods will come late. 


When mothers breastfeed their children after delivery, their periods start late. Actually, due to breastfeeding, prolactin hormonal release occurs in the body of women. This hormone affects ovulation to a great extent. Due to which periods are delayed. Women who breastfeed do not have periods for 6 months. After the child starts eating, the production of prolactin in women’s body reduces. And then periods start. 

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Body recovery

After delivery, women’s body becomes very weak due to which There is delay in periods. Even due to internal weakness, irregular periods occur. This situation should never be taken lightly. If you also have irregular periods, you should consult a doctor immediately. 

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Some women have serious health conditions< /strong>

Many times women suffer from other types of medical conditions due to normal delivery. For example, diseases like PCOS or endometriosis affect a woman’s periods. If a woman has this type of disease, her periods may be delayed. Excessive delay can prove to be harmful for health. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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