Why do satellites not fall anywhere on Earth? Where does their waste go

You must have often seen junk and garbage somewhere around you. Wherever humans live on earth, garbage is common. But have you ever thought how much dirt is there in space. How much garbage do the satellites present there spread after getting damaged. Today we will tell you how much garbage is there in space and how it is cleaned.


Let us tell you that there are many satellites present in space. But many times the question is asked that where do these satellites go? According to the information, till now about 6 and a half thousand successful rockets have been launched. Most of the countries have sent their satellites into space. However, every satellite gets damaged after some time. According to the information, there are two options for damaged satellites. Where to remove the damaged satellite is decided by how far the satellite is from the earth. If the satellite is on a very high orbit, then after a technical fault in it, a lot of fuel can be spent to return it to earth. In such a situation, scientists send it further into space.

Apart from this, there is an option to bring it back to Earth. Most countries bring it back to Earth to reduce garbage in space. After returning the satellite to Earth, it has to be deposited at one place. The place that has been used for this is called Point Nemo. Let us tell you that the word Nemo is from the Latin language, which means no one. When a place is called Nemo Point, it means that no one lives there. This place is the farthest place from dry land, that is, it is the place in the middle of the ocean. It is also considered the center of the ocean. This place is located between South America, Australia and New Zealand. Apart from this, the Combined Force Space Component Command keeps an eye on what humans are doing in space. The Combined Force Space Component Command has prepared a list for this. Which includes different types of junk.

Let us tell you that a treaty has also been made to reduce garbage in space. NASA also prepared the Artemis Accords, which talks about keeping the space clean and peaceful. According to the information, 28 countries have signed it. However, among the big countries, Russia and China are still not a part of it. At the same time, private companies are also not included in this treaty.

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