Why do scientists want to heat Mars with this thing?

Why do scientists want to heat Mars with this thing?

Humans have now reached Mars in search of another home other than Earth. The search for possibilities of life there is ongoing. In this connection, scientists have now suggested that if human settlements are to be established on Mars, then first its surface will have to be heated. Let us tell you in this article how scientists will do this.

How will Mars be heated?

Scientists from the University of Chicago, USA, have suggested that if the possibilities of life on Mars are to be increased, then its surface temperature will have to be increased to about 28 degrees Celsius. Scientists will use nanorods for this.

Why is it necessary to heat Mars?

In an interview given to German news website DW, PhD student Samneh Ansari of Northwestern University, Illinois says that the average temperature of the surface of Mars is about minus 65 degrees Celsius. Apart from this, due to the thin atmosphere of this planet, harmful solar rays easily reach its surface. Apart from this, there is also a lack of oxygen on this planet, in such a situation, if the temperature of Mars is increased, then things will become better for humans. Let us now tell you how many challenges there are regarding life on Mars.

Challenge of atmosphere and climate

The atmosphere of Mars is very thin and it contains 95 percent carbon dioxide, while the amount of oxygen is very less. Due to the lack of oxygen and atmospheric pressure necessary for human life, life on Mars is not directly possible. Apart from this, the surface temperature of Mars is very cold, which falls to an average of -60 degrees Celsius. At the same time, very high fluctuations in temperature can also be challenging for human life.

Lack of water and excess of radiation

Even though there is evidence of discovery of water on Mars, this water is mainly in the form of ice or underground. Human life is not possible without water, so it is important to find and use water sources for human settlements on Mars.

Talking about radiation, the magnetic field of Mars is very weak and the atmosphere there is also very thin, due to which there is always a danger of solar and cosmic radiation. This radiation is harmful for humans and special safety measures will be needed to avoid its effects. Apart from this, there are many other things that are currently a challenge for human life on Mars.

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