why do women like alcohol more than men know the reason behind it facts

why do women like alcohol more than men know the reason behind it facts

Men are always ahead in the competition of drinking alcohol as compared to women, Although, this thing has become old in today’s time., Because now women are also not behind in the competition of drinking alcohol, according to US government data, Year 2000 From 2015 among 45 From 64 Cases of death from cirrhosis in women aged ≥5 years 57 The percentage has increased, while in this class 21 Percentage of men died due to cirrhosis,

Other than this 25 From 44 Cases of death from cirrhosis in women aged ≥5 years 18 An increase of 50% has been observed in the death rate due to cirrhosis among male counterparts of the same category. 10 A percentage decrease was observed, Not only this, the number of women reaching the hospital emergency after alcohol overdose is also more than that of men., In such a situation, the question arises whether women get more addicted to alcohol than men, Or is there some other reason behind it, Let us know in this story today,

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Women are more prone to alcohol addiction,

The problem is not that women are drinking more alcohol, but that alcohol affects them more than men, According to scientists, Women have very limited amounts of alcohol dehydrogenase in their bodies (ADH) An enzyme is released which is located in the liver and it works to break down alcohol in the body,

what could be the reason,

Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital, Don Sugarman, an addiction psychologist in Massachusetts, says,Women are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol, which is why women who drink alcohol have more problems than men., Body fat protects alcohol while water present in the body reduces its effect, In such a situation, women are naturally more affected by alcohol due to more fat and less water in their body.,

On the other hand, women who drink more alcohol are more likely to become addicted to it and have medical problems., This is called telescoping, which means that although women start drinking alcohol later than men, they soon become addicted to it., Not only this, Women are also more likely to suffer from liver and heart problems,

The effect of alcohol on a woman’s body

Women may also face serious health effects due to excessive exposure to alcohol, Liver disease due to excessive alcohol consumption in women, There may be a higher risk of heart problems and cancer. Apart from this, excessive consumption of alcohol can also cause problems during pregnancy, Like fetal alcohol syndrome.

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