Why does love happen at first sight? Understand the love secret of this ‘chemical elasticity’ in the body

Why does love happen at first sight? Understand the love secret of this ‘chemical elasticity’ in the body

"What a magic the first glance has created, my life has become yours, who knows what will happen, what will happen, who knows…"Even if you don’t know, science definitely knows. How did this happen? Why did it happen and what will happen now? We are talking about love at first sight. 

You must have heard many songs on love. Most of the songs mention love at first sight, but do you know how love happens at first sight? Why does this happen Why does the heart strings start ringing when I look at someone? Actually, this is nothing but a little chemical elasticity in the body, let us explain in detail… 

Why does the heart tickle

In a normal person, tickling happens only in the stomach, but for someone who has fallen in love, this tickling can happen anywhere. Actually, love is such a thing. Once it happens, all the strings of the body start playing together and start singing Saaregaamapa. However, science and doctors believe that there is a special hormone behind love at first sight, which expresses our feelings towards someone. When a person sees someone, the body releases a hormone called oxytocin. These are hormones that play an important role in forming emotional and social connections in our brain and body. That’s why it is also called ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle hormone’. Actually, when we see someone and we feel good, the hormone oxytocin is released in the body.

What happens after the hormone is released?

After the release of oxytocin hormone, positive emotions are generated inside us. Only through this we are able to trust each other and become sensitive. However, this hormone is not released just by seeing the beloved i.e. love. Release can also occur after seeing parents, children, family or special friends. According to scientists, oxytocin hormones are released from the hypothalamus in the human brain and spread in the body through the pituitary gland. This hormone is also released by hugging someone, shaking hands, talking emotionally and we become emotional towards the person in front of us.  

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