Why fog forms in winter, know the reason behind it

Why fog forms in winter, know the reason behind it

Fog starts forming with the arrival of winter. Often it comes to our mind why fog occurs in winter. There is also fog during the rainy season, especially in the hilly areas. Today we will tell you why and how fog is formed in winter and mist in rainy season. 

Why fog is formed 

Fog is a type of water vapor. Is. Air can hold a certain amount of water vapor or water in gaseous state. Let us tell you that as more and more water fills the air. The air becomes more humid. The amount of water vapor in the air is known as moisture. When water vapor starts completely saturating the air. So the water droplets start condensing, or turning from gas back into liquid. So these droplets of liquid become suspended in the air and appear as a thick mist, which is known as fog.

How Snow Forms < /p>

Due to the water particles present in fog, it becomes difficult to see through. When this process happens in very cold mountainous areas, the water droplets freeze and turn into tiny crystals of ice. This is what we call ‘snowfall’ or snow falling. 

What is fog

Mist is also like fog. The difference between these two is that this mist becomes more dense. Apart from this, fog is visible to us during winter. Whereas fog is formed due to increase in the amount of moisture in the air during rainy days. Fog forms more in hilly and forested areas.

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