Why Indian Women Don’t Cut Pumpkin Know The Special Story Behind It

Why Indian Women Don’t Cut Pumpkin Know The Special Story Behind It

Pumpkin, which some people also call pumpkin… You must have eaten this vegetable many times in your life. Especially its vegetable is made in marriages and auspicious events. Because of its many medicinal properties, leek vegetable is eaten a lot. In North India, no program is complete without this vegetable. There are different ways of making it in every region, but most people eat it as a dry vegetable after cooking it with Panchphoran. But today we have not come to tell you the advantages and disadvantages of this vegetable, rather we have come to tell you why women do not cut this vegetable? Why first of all a man is made to run a knife on it, then the women cut it.

women don’t bite with their hands

If you belong to any city or village in North India, then you would know that whenever a whole standing gourd, which some people also call a pumpkin, comes to the house, then mother, aunt, sister do not cut it. First of all, father, uncle or any boy of the house is called to cut it. Before that it is said to run a knife on the standing shoulder, once this shoulder is cut by a man, then after that the women of the house cut it and cook it.

Why don’t women cut thorns?

Pumpkin or pumpkin is considered very auspicious in Indian homes. It has great importance in Hindu religion. In some rituals it is even sacrificed. On the other hand, according to some beliefs, Konhde is considered the eldest son of the house. That’s why the women of the house do not use the knife first on the shoulder. If she does so, it is considered as sacrificing the eldest son.

what does science say

Science calls it baseless. Some people also call it superstition. However, every person has his own faith and according to that he makes rituals in his house. There is no harm to anyone from this practice, but if seen in a way, women get only a little benefit from it. Actually, gooseberry is very hard, it takes a lot of strength to cut it. But when it is cut into two pieces, it breaks easily. Therefore, leaving aside the science and superstition behind it, eat leek vegetable, because it is very good for health.

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