Why is a parachute not kept in a helicopter, because of this the chances of survival are less in an emergency

Why is a parachute not kept in a helicopter, because of this the chances of survival are less in an emergency

You must have traveled in a helicopter at some time or the other, Apart from this, many times you also hear the news of airplanes becoming victims of accidentsIn which many people lose their lives In such a situation, many times the question arises that if parachute facility is provided in every flight, then perhaps the lives of many people can be saved before the accident., But this does not happenIt is not that this idea would not have come to the mind of any airline, Actually, there is a reason for not keeping a parachute in any flight.

Why are parachutes not kept in flights?

Many people lose their lives every year in helicopter crashes around the worldIn such a situation, the question arises that why parachute is not kept in any aircraft for emergency.So let us tell you that a helicopter does not have enough space to hold a heavy parachute, Actually this seat is so  It is only big in which three people can sit

In such a situation, if parachute is placed on every seat, then additional weight will increase.This makes the total weight of the aircraft approximately 6,000-8,000 pounds will be more, The related costs will also increase significantly, increasing weight can cause discomfort in the helicopter. Apart from this, if any accident happens with the helicopter, it comes down directly, this does not happen in the plane and there is no time to escape. There is no benefit of this, it is difficult to control the helicopter during a crash.

These are also the reasons

Even if parachutes are kept in planes, the life of some passengers may still be in dangerActually no person can use parachute without training, There is no ramp in the plane to jump with parachute, In such a situation, it is possible that if you try to jump, you may collide with the tire or wing of the planeAlso aircraft 35 Flying at a height of thousand feet, Due to which even if a person tries to jump from there, he will need oxygen support. Keeping all these things in mind, parachutes are not kept in flightsAt the same time, it is very expensive for the airlines to have this facility in commercial flights

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