Why is it forbidden to drink tea after eating rice? If you don’t know then read the complete research.

We people living in South Asian region like to eat rice very much. We eat rice at least once a day. But after eating rice, the elders of the house often say one thing that do not drink tea. Today we will talk about whether it is really dangerous to drink tea after eating rice?

Tea leaves are acidic

We did a lot of research to know the answer to this question. During this time we found an answer in Quora. Which we are sharing with you. Tea leaves are acidic and will affect the digestive process. If you consume protein in food. So the acid released from the tea will harden the protein material. Due to which it will become difficult to digest. Drinking tea immediately after meals also hinders the absorption of iron by the body. Avoid tea one hour before and after meals.

Drinking tea will cause problem of bloating

Actually, drinking tea immediately after eating rice causes the problem of bloating. Due to bloating, a person’s stomach feels full and tight. In such a situation, one starts having stomach problems while eating food. Stomach feels full. Potatoes and vegetables should never be eaten with rice. Due to this, weight may increase.

Drinking tea after eating rice can cause gas and constipation.  

Roti should never be eaten with rice

If you eat roti with rice then it is a problem. Because wheat bread and rice are high glycemic. Eating both together causes constipation. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Weight Loss: Weight is not reducing despite hard work? So try this amazing thing, you will become slim from fat.

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