Why is it necessary to sleep in the dark? If you don’t know, then learn the right way to sleep today

Why is it necessary to sleep in the dark? If you don’t know, then learn the right way to sleep today

Do you know how good sleeping in a dark room can be for your health? If not, then know now. Sleeping in the dark not only increases the quality of your sleep, but it also reduces the risk of diabetes and other diseases. Today we will tell you why it is important to sleep in the dark and what are the benefits of sleeping properly. So, know today and improve your sleep. 

What does research say?
Recently a study found that people who sleep in a completely dark room have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. More than 1000 people were studied in this research. Researchers observed that the presence of light in the room during sleep has a direct effect on our blood sugar and insulin resistance. 

How was the research done?
For this study, people were divided into two groups. One group was asked to sleep in a completely dark room, while the other group was allowed to sleep in dim light. After a few weeks, the blood sugar levels and insulin resistance of people in both groups were checked. The results were surprising. Those who slept in the dark room were found to have better blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

Why is it important to sleep in the dark?

  • Better sleep: Sleeping in the dark improves the quality of sleep. Our body gets complete rest and we feel fresh in the morning.
  • Hormone balance: Sleeping in the dark produces the right amount of melatonin hormone, which leads to good sleep and reduces stress.
  • Health benefits: Regularly sleeping in the dark also reduces the risk of obesity and heart diseases. It also reduces the risk of diabetes.

The right way to sleep

  • Keep the room completely dark: Turn off all the lights in the room before sleeping. If light is coming from outside, then use thick curtains.
  • Turn off electronic devices: Turn off electronic devices like TV, mobile and laptop before sleeping. The blue light emitted from them interferes with sleep.
  • Create a comfortable environment: Keep the room temperature right before sleeping and ensure peace. If possible, you can listen to soft music or meditate.
  • Set a regular time to sleep: Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This keeps your body clock correct and you get good sleep.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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