Why Is Jupiter Called The Vacuum Cleaner Of The Solar System Interesting Facts About Jupiter

Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is also called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system (Jupiter is vacuum cleaner of solar system). This planet made of clouds of gas is one of the oldest planets in the solar system. Scientists believe that if Jupiter was not there, the earth would have been destroyed long ago. Let’s understand how it protects us from celestial calamities and why it is called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system.

Why is it called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system?

Actually, this giant planet has a unique power behind being called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system, it swallows any comet that comes near it. It also pulls the comet coming towards the earth towards itself, due to which many big calamities falling on the earth are averted.

Astronomers estimate that if there were some more planets like Jupiter in the solar system, then probably there would be many more civilizations like humans on different planets as well. According to American astrophysicist Frank Drake, there must have been many civilizations in the Galaxy, but they must have been destroyed due to the collision of some asteroid. Perhaps this is the reason why humans have not encountered any alien civilization till date.

cleans the solar system

In July 1994, the eyes of astronomers around the world were fixed on the Shoemaker-Levy comet. Due to the gravity of the planet Jupiter, instead of going somewhere else in the solar system, it slowly got pulled towards it and finally collided with the planet at a speed of 2 lakh 16 thousand kilometers per hour. The explosion caused by this fierce collision produced a temperature of more than 42,000 Fahrenheit. Due to this collision, deep scratches were made in the atmosphere of Jupiter. Astronomers believe that Jupiter keeps doing this continuously, due to which the solar system is cleaned.

How the meteorite would have caused havoc on the earth

1300 planets the size of the Earth will easily come within Jupiter. Although scientists do not have specific evidence for this, they believe that about 60 million (60 million) years ago, an asteroid that escaped from Jupiter must have collided with the Earth. Because of which dinosaurs were destroyed in the great destruction and new creatures developed.

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