why is Odisha government planting palm trees know this unique plan to save human lives explained

why is Odisha government planting palm trees know this unique plan to save human lives explained

Every year many people around the world lose their lives due to lightning strikes, The state of Odisha in India has the highest number of deaths due to lightning, Keeping this in mind, the government has prepared a new plan and has made a strong plan to save people from lightning., Under this special scheme, the government in Odisha 20 An announcement has been made to plant lakhs of trees, Meanwhile, the question arises that trees also fall due to lightning., In such a situation, how can palm trees protect people, Let us know,

These states in the country are troubled by the problem of lightning

Lightning strikes are a major challenge in Odisha, last year ie 2023 struck by lightning in 2 in the hour 61 More than a thousand lightning strikes, in which 12 people had lost their lives, According to reports, Madhya Pradesh has recorded the highest number of deaths due to lightning, Maharashtra is followed by, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha have seen the highest number of deaths due to lightning,

How palm trees will save people’s lives from lightning,

To reduce the damage caused by lightning, the Odisha government has taken 20 Lacquered Palm Trees ,Palm Tree, has announced to impose, separate these trees,Forest and Agriculture departments will cooperate to plant it in different areas, Speaking to news agency ANI, Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Suresh Pujari said that lightning-related deaths are increasing every day, Odisha has the highest lightning death rate in India, At least if reports are to be believed 300 People lost their lives due to lightning strike, He further said that the primary focus of the government is on vulnerable areas with high incidence of lightning strikes., The target of Odisha government this year is around 20 Plant a million palm trees, The ultimate goal of the administration is to completely prevent incidents of lightning deaths in Odisha,

Now the question arises that how will palm trees protect people from lightning, So tell me that palm trees ,Palm Tree, are usually the tallest, Due to this height, they save human lives from lightning falling from the sky, Lightning usually strikes tall objects, This is the reason why lightning arresters are installed on tall buildings in urban areas, those who capture lightning and release it into the ground, Whereas in rural areas there are no such buildings., So palm trees can act as lightning arresters,

Why does lightning strike tall objects?,

Now the question arises that why does lightning fall on tall things?, So tell me when the lightning is about to strike the ground, A channel then develops downward toward the surface, American’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration According to the report of, When this channel is approximately 100 remains less than a yard away, So the tree, things like bushes and buildings spark to meet it ,Spark, starts sending,

When one of these sparks connects with the downward channel, then a powerful electric current travels through the channel toward the object that produced the spark, Tall trees such as palms and skyscrapers are more likely to produce connecting sparks than the surrounding ground, This is the reason why there is a higher chance of lightning striking tall objects., This does not mean that lightning will always strike tall trees, Lightning can strike the ground in an open field, Even if there are palm trees planted there, However, palm trees are natural conductors, which limits the damage caused by lightning.,

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