Why is the closure of liquor shops called dry day, what does it mean?

 You must have often heard mention of dry day in the news including social media. In simple language, dry day means closure of liquor shops. Not only this, the word dry day is also used in government orders. But do you know why the day when liquor shops remain closed is called dry day. After all, where does this word come from?

When is dry day?

Dry day is celebrated on different days in every state of India. The date is fixed. Because the excise department of any state is run by that state. However, in most states, dry days occur on 2 October, 15 August and 26 January. Apart from this, every state prohibits the sale of liquor in its area and on festivals or any special day. For example, in many states liquor shops remain closed on various anniversaries, while in many states this is not the case. State and central governments have different excise policies regarding liquor and the date of dry day is decided accordingly. At the same time, when elections are held in the state, there is a ban on the sale of liquor even in the voting areas.

Dry Day

Dry Day declared in any state. There are many reasons behind doing this. Dry day is often observed on occasions related to national festivals and religious festivals. On national festivals, liquor shops are closed to honor soldiers, martyrs, freedom fighters and on religious festivals due to religious sentiments. Apart from this, sometimes due to law and order, dry day is declared in the city or state. Similarly, when elections are held in any area, that day is declared a dry day in that area. This decision is taken regarding law and order.

Where did the name Dry Day come from?

Is there any factual reason for calling No Alcohol Day as Dry Day? Not there.  But it is believed that when someone has not drunk anything then the word dry has been used for that. For example, it is said when someone does not drink enough water, juice or any other beverage. In such a situation, it can also be used for liquor. Let us tell you that in English it is said that He’s gone dry now. In such a situation, it is believed that no one can drink alcohol on this day. Although this is not an official proof. Apart from this, dry day was first mentioned in the Excise Law of Punjab in 1926 in India. After this, the Center implemented it all over India in 1950. After this, the word dry day is also used in government documents.


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