Why Old People Or Senior Citizens Feel More Cold In Winters Know The Fact Here

Why Senior Citizens Feel More Cold: The month of January is going on. Winter is showing its full color in North India. Yellow alert has also been declared at many places and schools for small children have also been closed. In such a situation, it is very important to protect children and the elderly from the cold. You must have seen that the cold weather bothers the elderly more, because they feel cold too. Why does this happen After all, why do elderly people feel cold more and what are the reasons for feeling cold? Actually, there are many reasons behind its senior citizens getting more cold. Today in this article, we will talk about this and know what is the reason behind the senior citizens getting more cold.

metabolism slows down
Some intellectuals of biology tell that elders feel more cold in winter. One of the reasons for this is the reduction of metabolism in old age, due to which people of old age feel cold.

weakening of the fat layer
With the increase of age, the layer of fat under the skin gradually becomes thinner. When this happens, the insulation of the body decreases, due to which the elderly feel more cold in winter.

blood flow is also a reason
There are also superficial veins in our body. These veins help in keeping the body temperature constant. When the age starts increasing, then the blood flow in these veins decreases, due to which the cold is felt more. This happens with elders.

Skin thermoreceptors are also a reason
Thermoreceptors are special cells in the skin of our body. These cells are able to detect the difference in temperature. Because of these, we come to know about the work of cold or excess. They determine the sensitivity of the skin on the basis of their location and number. With aging, the thermoreceptor density of the elderly also decreases, due to which they feel more cold.

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