Why onion and garlic are considered tamasic and rajasic food, many people avoid eating them.

Why onion and garlic are considered tamasic and rajasic food, many people avoid eating them.


Ayurveda calls onion tamasic and garlic as rajasic.
In the scriptures, it has been strictly said that Brahmins are prohibited from doing both of these things.
This food causes heaviness and laziness for the body.

The prices of garlic have started touching the sky. These days it is being sold in the market for Rs 600 per kg. Garlic and onion are used a lot in Indian kitchen. Although most Indians also avoid them. Do not eat them because garlic is considered rajasic and onion is considered tamasic food. After all why were they kept in this category? People don’t even touch them during fasting.

If we talk about Ayurveda, generally the use of these two is prohibited. Ayurveda calls onion tamasic and garlic as rajasic. In the scriptures, Brahmins have been strictly prohibited from using both and have been asked to stay away from them.

Regarding how food affects the biological functions of the body, food has been divided into three forms in Ayurveda – Satvik, Tamasic and Rajasi. By eating these three types of food, Sat, Tamas and Raja qualities circulate in the body.

What is satvik food?
Satvik food is related to the word Sat. One of its meanings is that the food should be pure, natural and easy to digest, and from this word comes the second meaning of juice, that is, which has juice useful for life.

Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, curd, milk are satvik. It is good to use them not only during fasting but all the time. Regarding satvik food, there is mention in the texts Shandilya Upanishad and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Mithaahar or eating less food i.e. eating according to hunger is considered appropriate.

vengeful and royal food
The word Tamasic is derived from Tamas i.e. darkness, that is, first of all, this type of food means stale food. This food causes heaviness and laziness for the body. It is said to include things like flatulent pulses and non-vegetarian food.

Rajasic food is extremely spicy, spicy and arousing. Both these types of foods have been said to be harmful rather than beneficial for health and mental development. It has been said that such food creates disorders and desires in the body.

Now let’s talk about onion and garlic
The scientific principle of Ayurveda emphasizes on eating appropriate food according to the seasons. According to Ayurveda, the body’s immunity decreases during seasonal changes, hence common infections like cough and cold are often seen.

Food affects our goodness, desires, and ignorance. Onions and garlic and other plants in this family are classified as rajasic and tamasic foods, meaning they increase our cravings.

This logic says that not only in this season but also at any time of changing seasons, eating satvik food is most suitable for body and health. There are dangers of eating Tamasic and Rajasic food. Generally this type of food is not considered healthy.

Why is onion banned even in some religions?
There are many religions in which eating garlic and onion is prohibited. You will find many restaurants and eateries, where it will be written – Food is not cooked with garlic and onion here. You will find some people who completely avoid garlic in their food.

Onion and garlic are prohibited in Hindu and Jainism. Even among Hindus, Vaishnav people generally stay away from it. It is never used in the food items of any puja. Jainism talks about abstinence from eating any root food.

Kurma Das, a famous chef and writer, neither eats onion nor garlic. He says, “I am a devotee of Krishna and do Bhakti Yoga, hence I neither eat garlic nor onion. Devotees of Lord Krishna avoid both of these.” Why so. There is a long answer to this.

what is the reason
According to Ayurveda, the biggest reason for staying away from onion and garlic is that it is harmful for meditation and devotion. If it is consumed, it is because it hinders the body from awakening its consciousness. Do not allow the mind to concentrate.

Some branches of Western medicine consider the onion family to be beneficial for health. Many properties of garlic are counted. It is considered a natural antibiotic, but in the new studies that are being done, eating garlic and onion is still not being viewed in a very good light.
Regarding garlic, it is believed that eating it raw can cause harmful botulism bacteria to enter your body and cause fatal diseases. The Roman poet Horace also wrote that garlic is more harmful than Hemlock (a poisonous plant).

affect the nervous system
Spiritual people generally do not eat onion and garlic because they affect your nervous system. Ayurveda says that garlic is like a tonic in case of loss of sex power, which works as an aphrodisiac.

While peeling onion, the smell inside distracts the mind. Watering from the eyes is a direct proof of this. As long as the effect of onion consumption remains in the blood, lustful disorders continue to hover in the mind. After some time of chewing onion, the concentration of semen decreases and motility increases. As a result, lust increases. Eating onion during rainy season causes stomach disorders like indigestion etc.

Its benefits are also no less
However, the other side of this is that garlic and onion have many properties that are considered very useful from health point of view. Well, if Ayurveda considers them as Tamasic and Rajasic food, then it also says that both of them have many medicinal properties. According to Ayurveda, there are many benefits of consuming them.
– maintaining balanced body temperature
– An element called allium is found which protects from free-radical damage.
– Increasing immunity
– Helping to keep away heart disease and other heart related diseases
– Acid is not produced in the body, which keeps the problem of headache and stress away.
– Sex drive may increase
– Increases arousal in men and women
– Used to increase sexual potency and overcome infertility
– An element called allium is found in onion and garlic, which protects from free-radical damage. They also contain organosulfur compounds, which reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
– Eating garlic every morning on an empty stomach helps in controlling blood pressure. Garlic contains antioxidants, which are helpful in keeping blood pressure stable. It reduces the possibility of clot formation in the blood. Garlic improves blood circulation which reduces the risk of blood clotting.

Tags: food, Onion crops, Onion new rate, Onion Price

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