Why People Do Not Name Their Daughters Manthara Or Kaikai Know The Reason According To Shastrarth

Why People Do Not Name Their Daughters Manthara Or Kaikai Know The Reason According To Shastrarth

Even today people do not keep their daughter’s Kaikeyi and Manthara. All Hindus know how much torture Kaikai and Manthara had inflicted on Lord Ram and the entire Suryavansh. But all this was already decided by law, you will understand yourself when you know the previous birth of Kaikeyi and Manthara. First let us look at the previous birth of Manthara.

Manthara’s previous birth story

According to Mahabharata Van Parva 276.9–16, when Lord Vishnu and Ram were about to incarnate on earth, Brahma ji asked all the gods to incarnate on earth so that everyone could help Lord Ram. Then Brahmaji, the god of blessings, ordered Gandharvi named Dundubhi in front of all of them, “You too go to the ground floor to complete the work of the gods.” Hearing the words of her grandfather, Gandharvi Dundubhi came to the human world and became a famous hunchbacked maid named Manthara. In this way, after making all the arrangements, on the orders of Lord Brahma, Dundubhi, who had become a Manthara, was explained to her all the work that had to be done, as she was going to move as fast as the mind.

He understood Brahma ji’s words very well and acted accordingly. She started roaming around here and there to ignite the fire of enmity. Later you all know how Manthara filled Kaikai’s ears. Many people do not know that if Ram had become the king earlier, he would not have been able to do all the tasks that Ram was destined to do in the forest and in Lanka. Therefore, Lokpita Brahma sent Gandharvi (Manthara) and she did her work successfully. Whatever happened required the approval of Lord Vishnu and Brahma. Let us now look at the previous birth of Kaikeyi.

Story of Queen Kaikeyi’s previous birth

According to Anand Ramayana Sarga Kand 4.117–170, once King Dasharatha with a happy mind asked Mudgal Muni Ji, who was I in the previous birth? And what good deeds had I done that the real Lord Ram became my son and the real Lakshmi became my daughter-in-law in the form of Sita. Hearing this, Mudgal Muni again started saying to the king. O king! In Karveerpur there lived a Brahmin famous by the name of supremely religious Dharmadatta. He was a devotee of Vishnu and always chanted twelve syllable mantras (Invocation and Obeisance to Lord Krishna) was a devoted lover in chanting. He always observes Ekadashi and Kartik fast.

Once, after staying awake at night during the month of Kartik, he was going to the Hari temple with the materials for the fourth o’clock puja, when on the way he suddenly saw a dreadful ghar-ghar sounding creature, with strange teeth, with a moving tongue, with red eyes, whose body was like a snake. All the flesh had dried up – saw a demon (Kalha) coming with such long lips. Seeing him the Brahmin trembled with fear. Then he threw away all the puja material and water etc. and started killing him. He kept throwing Tulsi leaves and water on him while chanting the name of Narayana. By this, all the sins of that demon were automatically washed away and she remembered the deeds of her previous birth. Then she bowed to the Brahmin and started saying.

Kalaha said – O Vipra! I have attained this condition as a result of the deeds of my previous birth. There lived a Brahmin named Bhikshu in Saurashtra city. I was his very cruel wife named Kalaha. I never did any good to my husband even with words. Whenever I used to make sweets in the kitchen, I would make false excuses to my husband and avoid giving him sweets. Every day at meal time, whatever good thing was prepared, I would first eat it myself and then give it to my husband. One day my husband went and said to one of his friends that my wife does not listen to me, what should I do? Hearing this his friend thought in his mind. After that she said to my husband – O friend! If you say the wrong thing to your wife, then she will definitely do what you have forbidden and your wish will be fulfilled.

My husband came home saying ‘listen to the friend and it is very good’. He started saying to me, darling! You should never invite my friend for food, he is very wicked. Hearing these words of my husband, I said that your friend is the best and a great gentleman among the Brahmins. I will call him for dinner today itself. Then I myself went and called my husband’s friend. Since then my husband started using the opposite statement. One day when my father’s death anniversary came, my husband said – O dear, I will not perform Shraddha of my father today. Hearing this, contrary to what he said, I immediately invited the Brahmins and told my husband that shame on you who don’t even perform Shraddha for your father. You do not know the religion of the son. So don’t know what your speed will be. Then he said that if it has to be done, then invite only one Brahmin and do not create too much trouble. Do not spend unnecessarily on dishes, sweets etc.

Hearing this, I invited eighteen Brahmins at once. Prepare many types of dishes for Shraddha. Then my husband told me that today you first eat sweets with me and then serve your fake food to the Brahmins. Hearing this, I scolded my husband and said, Shame on you that after eating first yourself, you ask the Brahmins to serve food? In this way, with contrary statements, my husband got the Shraddha performed formally by me. After doing Pind Daan etc., he then told me – I will fast without eating anything today. Hearing this, I fed him a lot of sweets. Later my husband told me to take these bodies and throw them lovingly in the water of some holy place.

Hearing this, I took those bodies and threw them in the toilet. When he saw this, he started crying loudly. After thinking for a moment, my husband told me, “Make sure not to flush out the feces from the toilet.” Then I went down into the toilet and took out those bodies. Then my husband said – See, do not throw them in any pilgrimage. Then I took those bodies and threw them into the holy water with great respect. In this way, I never did the work asked by my husband, then he became sad and decided to marry for the second time. Hey Dwija! Then I sacrificed my life by consuming poison. Then Yamdoot tied me and took me to Yamraj. Seeing me, Yamraj started saying to Chitragupta. Yamraj said- Chitragupta! See whether he has done good or bad deeds so that he can be given the same reward. Kalaha started saying this. Hearing this, Chitragupta said that he has never done any good deed. She would make sweets and eat them but would not give them to her husband. Therefore, it went into the heron’s vagina and became its own bird that eats feces. Due to hatred towards her husband, she may be born in a mute vagina that eats feces.

O Yama, let this cat eat alone in the vessel for preparing food, hiding here and there. She has committed suicide for her husband’s goals, hence she gets a ghostly form and remains alone. Kalaha said, “O Dwija! Then within a moment, the messengers of Yama put me in the ghostly state. I remained in the ghostly state for fifteen years. According to the deeds I had done, I began to suffer from hunger and thirst all the time. After that, O Dwija, I started dying of hunger and wandering around. While doing this, I saw you here. Here, with the water and basil from your hands, all my sins were washed away.

This is why Vipre! Now please give me such a blessing that I can be liberated from all the three births. Oh great sage! I have come to you for refuge. You save me from this ghostly life also. The Brahmin listened to the story of Kalaha and said that I give you half of the virtue of my Kartik fast so that you will attain the world of Vishnu”. After sprinkling water from Tulsi, that Kalaha transformed into a beautiful woman. At the same time she left the world of Vishnu. A plane came there to pick up Kalha, there were two people on it, virtuous and sushil. They blessed the Brahmin (Dharmadatta) that like Kalha, you will also get Vishnuloka and after that you will again go to the earth where the real Narayana will take the incarnation of Ram as your son. You will be the glorious king of Suravansh and Kalaha will be your religious wife whom people will know as Kaikeyi. Similarly, Dharmadutt will later become King Dasharatha and Kalaha will become Kaikeyi.

read this also: Ram Katha: Do you know, after defeating Ravana, Ramji again went to Ayodhya and Sita ji also took up arms.

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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