Why students end their life even after getting admission in good institutes like IIT and Medical colleges Student Suicide Reason Expert talk

Why students end their life even after getting admission in good institutes like IIT and Medical colleges Student Suicide Reason Expert talk

Why do students commit suicide? Even after getting admission in big institutes of the country like IIT, NIT, IIM etc., some candidates take the path of suicide. When they are in 12th, their biggest goal and dream in life is to crack exams like JEE or NEET. After passing the exam they get admission in the institute of their dreams. When so many dreams are coming true, how can one lose the battle of life? What happens that even after achieving so much, some students choose the path of death?

First let’s look at the figures

In the first four months of the year 2023, 6 students committed suicide in different IIT campuses. This happened in IIT Madras, Guwahati and Bombay. This data was submitted in the Rajya Sabha, in which Union Minister of State Subhash Sarkar, in response to a question, said that about 98 students had committed suicide in the last years. Of these, 20 cases alone are from last year i.e. 2023.

Of these, 39 students were from IITs, 25 from NITs, 4 from IIMs, 5 from IISERs, 2 from IIITs and the rest from Central Universities. UGC has taken many steps in this regard but these seem to be insufficient.

What do experts say

Talking about this, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Rinki Lakra says that getting admission in IIT or any other big institute is not such a big deal and this alone does not reduce all the pressures being placed on the students. The real competition starts after reaching there. Getting admission in a good institute does not eliminate problems but brings new challenges. The students there struggle with many other problems. Sometimes this happens because of friend circle, sometimes academic pressure, family pressure and sometimes something else. While some students handle this kind of pressure, others resort to suicide. These are those who are unable to bear all these pressures of life.

Here comes the real problem

After passing an exam like JEE or NEET, when you go to a high level institute, where earlier you were the topper, there are thousands of toppers like you. Now there is competition between them. The child who always comes first (due to which his mentality becomes such that he is the best) reaches an environment where, far from coming first, he is struggling to finish the assignment on time. These pressures are new and difficult for him.

Can’t bear all kinds of pressure

Students are destroyed by the expectations of the society, expectations of the family and parents and most of all the expectations made by themselves. Before taking admission in these big institutes, students think that just because they have got admission in IIT, their life is set. Now he will get a break from what he was studying for years. But the truth is that after reaching here, studies increase many times more than before. Sometimes they are not able to pass the exam, sometimes they get back and sometimes they are not able to complete the project.

In such a situation, the expectations of the family and their own expectations increase so much that it doubles the mental pressure. Firstly, they are not able to cope with studies, on top of that they are making space for themselves in a new place, with new friends and on top of that there is pressure from the expectations of their parents. Sometimes it increases so much that the student feels that death is better than this life.

give warning sign

Experts believe that before taking steps like suicide, students definitely give some signs, only someone should be able to identify them. If they are eating less, cutting themselves off from everyone, not sleeping properly, not liking to meet anyone, not even talking on the phone properly, have started becoming very quiet and sad and there is some reason behind all this. If you cannot give a valid reason then you should be careful. Students do not take the decision to kill themselves suddenly. This has been brewing inside them for a long time and they take action on it whenever they get a chance.

ask for help

Parents should create such an environment in the house from the beginning that the child knows that nothing in the world is important to him. Teachers and mentors should also not let the atmosphere become heavy. Always keep scope for communication. If the child wants to say something, he can come to you. Do not inculcate in his/her mind since childhood that if one wants to settle down in life then a particular job or a particular college is necessary. Rather say that there is nothing greater than that. Pressures will come and go but life will never be found again. Understand its importance and never make failures bigger than life.

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