Why the bodies of eunuchs are beaten with slippers after death know the reason

Why the bodies of eunuchs are beaten with slippers after death know the reason

You must have often seen eunuchs praying and asking for gratuity at traffic signals or other places in cities. Apart from this, eunuchs also come to the family on happy occasions and offer blessings. But do you know that after the death of eunuchs, people of eunuch community beat the dead body with shoes and slippers. However, no outsider attends his funeral. Today we will tell you the reason behind this.

shoes and slippers in funeral procession

After the death of any eunuch, the people of the eunuch community beat the dead body with slippers. Because people of the eunuch community consider their lives cursed. This is the reason that before the funeral procession, the deceased is beaten with shoes and slippers and abused. The reason for this is also that if the dead eunuch has committed any crime then he should atone for it while leaving and in the next birth he will be born as a common man. According to the information, after the death of even one eunuch in the eunuch community, the entire adult eunuch community fasts for a whole week and prays for the deceased. In their prayers, eunuchs ask for the next birth of a human being for the deceased.

Prayers have a lot of impact

It is believed that many eunuchs have spiritual power, due to which they can sense death. Therefore, before death, eunuchs stop coming and going anywhere and even stop eating. During this time they only drink water and pray to God for themselves and other eunuchs. Apart from this, eunuchs from nearby and far away places come to pray for the dying eunuch. Because there is a belief among eunuchs that the prayers of a dying eunuch are very effective.

The funeral takes place at night

There is a belief that if common people see the body of a dead eunuch, then the deceased is reborn as a eunuch. Therefore, the funeral procession of a eunuch takes place at night and no outsider can participate in it. Apart from this, the funeral procession of eunuchs is completely different. The eunuchs carry the dead body for the last rites after erecting it. At the same time, the news of illness or death of eunuchs is not given to anyone outside.

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