why watermelon and muskmelon may cause food poisoning know here main reasons

why watermelon and muskmelon may cause food poisoning know here main reasons

Watermelon, Muskmelon Side Effects: As soon as summer arrives, people like to eat watermelon and muskmelon as juicy fruits. Both of these fruits are sweet in taste and also contain a lot of water and nutrition. But these days it is being seen that people are complaining of food poisoning after consuming both of them. If seen, if you consume the right fruit in the right proportion, then food poisoning should not happen, but still people’s health is deteriorating after eating muskmelon and watermelon. Let’s know what health experts say in this matter.

Chemicals are being added to ripen fruits quickly
Nowadays it is being seen that people are having stomach related problems after consuming these two fruits. In this regard, health experts say that if food poisoning is happening after eating muskmelon and watermelon, then there can be two reasons for this. The first reason is that sellers are adulterating these fruits to earn more profit. In order to earn more money, muskmelon and watermelon are being ripened quickly.

To ripen watermelon quickly and make it red in colour, vendors are using chemicals like calcium carbide and erythrosine. This makes fruits like watermelon and melon ripen quickly and their colour also becomes darker. But this has a direct impact on health. When these chemicals enter the stomach, the risk of food poisoning, vomiting, loose motions and diarrhoea increases.

Dye injection and contaminated soil are the reason
Doctors say that to turn the color of watermelon red, fraudsters are applying a dye called Erythrosine in it through a syringe. This makes the watermelon look red from inside. In some places, syrups are injected into watermelons to make them artificially sweet and these syrups can cause great harm to health. Along with this, watermelons and melons are being grown in such soil which is not good. Melon and watermelon are causing harm to health due to growing in contaminated soil containing bacteria.

Many types of bacteria found in contaminated soil like Salmonella, E. Coli, Listeria etc. reach people’s stomach through these fruits and are spoiling their health. Let us tell you that Listeria bacteria is very dangerous for pregnant women because when it enters the body, the risk of miscarriage increases. It may even lead to premature delivery of the child and dangerous infections in newborns. The risk of kidney failure increases when E. coli bacteria enters the body. Salmonella bacteria causes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, stomach ache and diarrhea.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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