Will mosquitoes that spread dengue and malaria vaccinate people? Shocking revelation in new study

Will mosquitoes that spread dengue and malaria vaccinate people? Shocking revelation in new study

Now if the mosquitoes that spread dengue and malaria bite you, it will not kill you, it is possible that the mosquitoes are vaccinating you. This may seem like a joke, but it is true. Scientists have succeeded in making such a vaccine, which will be administered through mosquitoes. The special thing is that in the study conducted in this regard, many people suffering from malaria were completely cured. 

Let us tell you, according to the report of the World Health Organization, 5,97,000 people died due to malaria in 2023. Maximum 95 percent of these deaths occurred in African countries. According to scientists’ estimates, 240 million malaria cases occur every year. To eradicate malaria, Randbound University of the Netherlands and Leiden University have jointly created this vaccine. These scientists say that they have successfully prepared mosquitoes to deliver vaccines that potentially provide better immunity against malaria. 

How will the vaccine work

According to scientists, this vaccine uses a weak strain of Plasmodium falciparum, which causes the most deadly form of malaria. Meta Rostenberg, professor of vaccinology at Leiden University, said that we have removed an important gene from the malaria parasite. In such a situation, this parasite can still infect people, but cannot make them sick. He told that when this gene is not present in the parasite, then it can neither develop in the human liver nor be found in his blood. 

How was the trial conducted

In the first trial, scientists tested a malaria vaccine derived from a genetically modified parasite called PfSPZ GA1. This trial showed that the use of the GA1 vaccine was safe and delayed the onset of malaria, but the risk of getting sick remained. After this, scientists conducted a second test, in which GA2 was used. These tests revealed that 13 percent of people with GA1 vaccine and 89 percent of people with GA2 vaccine developed immunity from malaria. In fact, the GA1 parasite takes 24 hours to develop, while the GA2 parasite takes up to a week to develop, giving the immune system more time to recognize and activate the fight against it in the liver. Get time. 

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