Winter Drinks Healthy Tea List To Keep You Warm Disease Free In Cold

Winter Drinks Healthy Tea List To Keep You Warm Disease Free In Cold

Healthy Teas For Winter: These days it is getting cold in the whole of North India. New Year is also coming in the midst of this bone-chilling winter. In such a situation, no one wants that he should fall ill on the occasion of this celebration. In this winter season, people fall sick more, because despite avoiding lakhs, due to one reason or the other, the problem of cold and sneezing still occurs. Most people take the help of tea to avoid cold. A hot cup of tea gives some relief from cold.

However, when the weather is cold and immunity is low, such people are often advised to include herbs in their drinks, which are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. If you want to keep yourself safe from cold, then you can drink many types of tea from green tea, herbal tea to coffee. All these protect you from cold as well as keep you away from winter diseases.

How to make tea ‘healthy’?

Generally a healthy tea contains good antioxidants and polyphenols, which work to heal digestion and reduce fat. Healthy tea also helps in increasing the metabolism of the body. It also contains bioactive compounds, which have anti-aging properties. Ginger, cinnamon, basil, lemon or chai masala increase the medicinal properties of tea. Such tea can also help prevent cold and flu. Apart from this, the properties present in it like-caffeine, theobromine, L-theanine give energy to our body as well as maintain the function of the brain. Although it is not at all that it should be consumed excessively, because anything in excess can harm the body. Let’s know about healthy drinks.

green tea

Green tea is the best source for antioxidants in healthy drinks. It helps in hydrating the cells of the body. Green tea is also effective in weight loss and is also beneficial for the health of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s.

black tea

Black tea is beneficial for heart health. It is also a beneficial drink for patients with high blood sugar levels. By drinking this in winter, the body also gets a lot of relief from cold. Apart from this, black tea is also very helpful in reducing cholesterol, keeping the digestive system strong, strengthening bones, increasing immunity and controlling weight.

herbal tea

Opting for herbal tea is also a good option as a healthy drink. It helps in keeping the digestive system strong and also protects against seasonal infections and cold.


The winter season in Kashmir cannot be complete without Kahwa. Everyone is seen drinking coffee in the cold of Kashmir. It is a herbal tea, which is prepared from green tea, saffron, cinnamon and cardamom. This tea is sweetened with honey and served with almonds. Whole spices present in this tea work to protect the body from cold. Drinking coffee in cold weather gives warmth to the body.

filter coffee

In South India, no winter day is complete without filter coffee. Filter coffee made with ground coffee beans contains antioxidants. Some amount of mineral is also found in coffee. Drinking filter coffee in the winter season gives a lot of relief from the cold.

black coffee

Everyone likes black coffee. It works to improve the skin and keep the body active. Drinking this doesn’t make you lazy. Apart from this, it is also helpful in reducing weight and keeping the heart healthy.

Turmeric milk

Yes, drinking turmeric milk in cold gives a lot of relief from cold. This milk is very beneficial, which along with increasing immunity helps in preventing cold and cough.

read this also: Khajoor: Constipation…cholesterol…anemia, eat soaked dates daily, these 12 problems of the body will go away

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