Winter Health Tips What Should Avoid In Cold Cough In Hindi

Winter Health Tips What Should Avoid In Cold Cough In Hindi

Cold-Cough: As the winter season is going on, the problem of cold and cough is increasing. Infectious diseases increase rapidly these days. In such a situation, if cold and cough are not cured in time, the problems may increase. There are many things whose consumption increases the problem of cold and cough. Therefore, in case of cold and cough (Cold-Cough Home Remedies), one should avoid eating these things. Know what should not be eaten during cold and cough…

Avoid sour things

It is very important to have strong immunity in winter but sour things should be avoided in this season. Because problems may increase due to this. One should avoid eating fruits like lemon and orange during cold and cough. Eating these things can also cause throat irritation.

Avoid dairy products

Consuming dairy products can increase the problems of cold and cough. The problem of cold increases due to the cold nature of curd and buttermilk. In such a situation, eating these things will not cure cold and cough and may increase the problem.

processed food

During the winter season, many people keep eating everything when they have cough and cold, but doing so can increase the problem. In such a situation, one should avoid eating processed food. These can cause serious harm, because they contain both sodium and sugar, so the problem can increase.

Do not consume sweet things

In case of cold and cough, one should not consume sweet things even by mistake. Many types of problems can increase due to this. Eating sweet things can cause swelling and pain in the throat.

don’t smoke

Smoking is dangerous for health and should not be done even by mistake when one has cold because due to this, immunity becomes weak and lung problems also increase. In such a situation, one should stay away from smoking in winter.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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