Woman died due to lightning, then suddenly came alive! Claimed- ‘I am living a second life, I can see the future’

Woman died due to lightning, then suddenly came alive! Claimed- ‘I am living a second life, I can see the future’

Some things in the world are so strange that we cannot even think about them. Some such incidents are when people claim that they have come back from the dead. We have heard many such stories but a woman told something different. She claims that she had left this world for some time and then returned.

According to the Daily Star report, an American writer named Elizabeth Crohn claims that she died at the age of just 28. She had a feeling of dying but she came back to life again. Now she claims to see the future of others. This whole story is quite interesting.

Woman suddenly came alive after dying!
Elizabeth Krohn claims that an accident happened to her 35 years ago. She was going somewhere with her children, when suddenly a strong storm came. Suddenly her umbrella touched her hand and with a loud thunder lightning fell on her from the sky. She says that after a while she remembered where the umbrella was and she found it in the same park. However, her dead body was lying at a short distance from her, seeing which she realized that she was dead. In a short while a light took her to a beautiful garden. She met her grandfather and during this time she was asked to go back to earth.

Got superpower in second birth!
Elizabeth was also told about her future that she would be divorced from her husband. Despite this, she came to earth. Since her leg was burnt, she remained bedridden for several months and such things about the future that she saw in her dreams came true. She even saw a plane crash in her dream. Elizabeth says that the more she talked about these dreams, the less they became.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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