Woman offers one on one mentoring to guys how to impress girls offers dating app advice service

Woman offers one on one mentoring to guys how to impress girls offers dating app advice service

Dating App Advice Service: Dating app was trending in foreign countries, now it is growing rapidly in India too. Especially in big cities, youth use dating apps indiscriminately to find their partners. However, not everyone gets success in this. Where does the mistake happen in such a situation, a person always thinks, but who is going to tell him the truth? The solution to this has been presented by a girl.

For earlier people, people usually used to find partners around them or with the help of friends, but after the option of dating apps, they have increased options. Confusion also increased in such a situation and there is no dearth of those who take opportunities in this disaster. To solve this problem, a girl has started a service of her own, which she has advertised on Twitter. The girl says that on the basis of her experience, she will teach boys to impress girls.

The girl said – ‘I will teach girls to impress’
The girl with the name @VandanaJain_ has promoted her unique service on the social media platform Twitter. She wrote – ‘I will tell the boys what to do and what not to do on the dating app. What kind of photo to put and how to start talking etc. I have discussed these things with my friends and I can help you. If you want a personal paid session, then comment or DM and tell. After this tweet of the girl, the comments came out.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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