Women cheat because of this hormone, this truth will blow your mind

Women cheat because of this hormone, this truth will blow your mind

Trust, love and loyalty are the three most important things for a long-term relationship. Loyalty is one such thing that if it turns into infidelity, love and trust also end. But now the question arises that why does a partner commit infidelity? Is it the person’s own wish or are some changes in the body responsible for this? Let’s know what science says about this.

What does science say?

Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Texas at Austin recently found in a research that excess of testosterone and cortisol hormones in humans, i.e. both men and women, are responsible for infidelity and immoral behavior. People who have excess of these hormones feel happy after cheating on their partner.

Robert Joseph, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, says that humans have known about the effect of hormones on our behavior since the beginning of the 19th century. But recent research has revealed how these hormones can change your behavior.

How do these hormones work?

Scientists say that high testosterone present in the body reduces the fear of punishment and increases the sensitivity towards achieving something. On the other hand, high cortisol is associated with chronic stress in the body. It weakens the mind in deciding between right and wrong. While high levels of testosterone provoke people to cheat on their partners, cortisol creates a reason in the brain due to which a person cheats on his partner.

Research done on people using math questions

To do this research, researchers from Harvard University and Texas University made many people sit together and gave them some math questions to solve. Students were asked to tell us the number of math questions they could solve. After everyone’s answers were received, the researcher took saliva samples of the students and tested them. This test showed that the students whose testosterone and cortisol were high had exaggerated their answers. Whereas, those whose hormones were balanced had given only as much as was correct.

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