Women feel more cold than men, you will be surprised to know the reason

Women feel more cold than men, you will be surprised to know the reason

The winter season is on. People are using warm clothes to prevent cold. Weather experts say that it is just the beginning of cold. The cold will increase more in the coming days. Nature does not discriminate against anyone. When it is cold, everyone feels it. But the body’s own system can make the cold feel less and more. Do you know that men and women have higher levels of chills? Doctors believe so. Physical structure and internal changes are behind this. 

Women feel more cold due to these reasons

Doctors say that everyone feels cold. Is. Children, old people, women, men every class shivers with cold. But it is generally seen that women feel more cold than men. The logic behind this is due to low or high metabolism. The job of metabolism is to maintain the energy level in the body. When the energy level is good, the cold does not feel much. This metabolic rate of women is found to be lower than that of men. That’s why they feel cold more than men. Another reason behind women feeling cold is that women have less muscle mass than men. This muscle mass produces more heat. Due to low temperature, women start shivering soon. 

How much to keep the room temperature?

When women and men feel cold differently It is natural for the temperature of any place to be different. In such a situation, experts tell that where women like to live in 25 degree temperature. Whereas men like 22 degree Celsius. According to WHO, elders, old people, children all live in the house. Everyone is healthy in the house. If all are youth then the temperature can be kept up to 18 degree Celsius. At the same time, children and old people are also living in the houses, so the temperature should be from 20 to 22 degree Celsius. Doctors say that the general belief is that whatever degree of temperature one feels comfortable in. You should sleep in that much. 

If you are feeling cold continuously, then see the doctor

Getting cold in winter is a natural process. If you are not feeling cold in winter, then it means that there are some disturbances in the body. Doctors say that cold should be felt when it is more cold. Even if it is not visible, there is a problem. If the cold persists even after the sun has come out. If you feel shivering all the time then also there is a need to be alert. In this condition, the doctor should be seen immediately. 

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. . Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert. 

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